Protect Your Investment with Professional Heating and Cooling Tune Up Services Hero Banner

Columbus Heating and Cooling Tune-Up Service

Over the typical heating and conditioning season, your HVAC system experiences wear related to normal use. Just like your car needs regular maintenance, so does a heating system and cooling system. One year of heating and air conditioning use is equivalent to driving 100,000 miles – since you wouldn’t go that long without tune-ups for your vehicle, make an HVAC tune-up part of your regular maintenance routine.

HVAC tune-ups keep your heating and cooling system in top shape. This professional service preserves equipment performance and energy efficiency to keep energy costs low, ensures operation safety, and corrects wear and tear issues that create the need for repair and cut years off system service life.

To ensure heating and cooling tune-ups are done properly, schedule HVAC tune-ups with a professional technician from your trusted HVAC company. Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing performs thorough inspection and HVAC maintenance for your heating and air conditioning system in Columbus, OH, and the surrounding areas.

$53 "Earn Your Trust" HVAC Tune Up

$53 "Earn Your Trust" HVAC Tune Up

$53 "Earn Your Trust" HVAC Tune Up

$53 "Earn Your Trust" HVAC Tune Up

Promo Code: HVAC53

Expires: Jun 29, 2025

New clients only please. No breakdown this season. Must be able to start unit. One unit only. If system breakdown occurs credit will be provided for price of tune up. Not valid on geothermal, boilers or oil furnaces. See dealer for details, discounts, warranties, guarantees. Some restrictions apply. Normal business hours only. Residential owner-occupied only. Existing residential only. Must be presented at time of service. Cannot combine with other offers or discounts. Customer responsible for filing utility rebates if applicable. Not valid on previous purchases. Must be in service area. Financing with approved credit. Minimum monthly payments required. Interest accrues at time of purchase unless paid in full during promotional period. For regular term purchases, APR is based on US prime rate and is subject to change. OH HVAC HV.49111, OH Plumbing PL.50124

$53 "Earn Your Trust" HVAC Tune Up

$53 "Earn Your Trust" HVAC Tune Up

Promotion Code: HVAC53

Expires Jun 29, 2025


New clients only please. No breakdown this season. Must be able to start unit. One unit only. If system breakdown occurs credit will be provided for price of tune up. Not valid on geothermal, boilers or oil furnaces. See dealer for details, discounts, warranties, guarantees. Some restrictions apply. Normal business hours only. Residential owner-occupied only. Existing residential only. Must be presented at time of service. Cannot combine with other offers or discounts. Customer responsible for filing utility rebates if applicable. Not valid on previous purchases. Must be in service area. Financing with approved credit. Minimum monthly payments required. Interest accrues at time of purchase unless paid in full during promotional period. For regular term purchases, APR is based on US prime rate and is subject to change. OH HVAC HV.49111, OH Plumbing PL.50124

Why Does an HVAC System Need HVAC Tune-Ups?

When the technician from your HVAC company mentions the need for an HVAC tune-up, it isn’t just an upsell – this service is essential to the energy efficiency, performance, and service life of your heating system and cooling system equipment! If you only do one thing to maintain your HVAC equipment each year, it should be scheduling tune-ups in the fall and spring – but please don’t stop there!

So, why is HVAC system maintenance so important?

When Is It Time to Schedule Tune-up Services?

Maintenance tune-ups for heating and cooling equipment should be performed once per year. The best time for scheduling these services is before the system’s peak operating season. This means heating system equipment should be serviced in the fall, in preparation for the winter heating season. Schedule cooling system units for maintenance service in the spring, ahead of the summer cooling season. While fall and spring are ideal times to schedule your tune-ups, it’s never too late to complete this service– even if you remember it in the middle of summer or winter.

Want Your HVAC Tune-Up? Experience True Comfort!

What Are the Costs Related to HVAC Maintenance Tune-Ups?

Tune-ups are a very affordable investment toward the care of your heating and cooling systems. Installation of a new unit will come at exponentially higher costs, which could have been put off for longer had you invested in regular maintenance services. Tune-ups can cost under one hundred dollars to a few hundred dollars, depending on the company you call.

Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing helps you save when you take care of your HVAC maintenance needs through a True Comfort Membership! As a True Comfort Membership customer, your two annual tune-ups are included and will be performed in the spring and fall at your convenience.

In addition to maintaining your HVAC units, True Comfort Membership plans provide quality savings throughout the year. Receive discounts on repairs and new HVAC products, including indoor air quality equipment! Access emergency repair services without overtime costs and free diagnostics when we make repairs.

Learn more about the benefits of a True Comfort Membership and join today!

Maintenance Tips for Columbus Homeowners

Outside of professional maintenance for heating air conditioning units, homeowners should follow maintenance tips throughout the year to protect their air conditioning systems and heating units. Don’t leave maintenance to your tech twice per year – follow these tips to keep your regular HVAC needs met throughout the year.

Clean the System

The outdoor heat pump or air conditioner condenser can gather dust and debris which restrict airflow. This affects the cooling process in the summer as well as the heating cycles for heat pumps during the winter. Periodically, you should clean the outdoor unit to keep air moving through the HVAC system as intended.

  1. Remove dust and debris from the fins along the exterior of the unit.
  2. Pull up weeds and vegetation growing up the unit and surrounding its base.
  3. Trim back shrubs and branches that have grown up next to the unit.
  4. Clear away outdoor items like patio furniture, grills, and outdoor toys that have been stored next to the unit.
  5. Keep a clear space of two feet on all sides of the unit.

When it’s time to schedule your next heating or cooling tune-up, call Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing!

Air Filters

One big mistake that damages HVAC units is using dirty air filters. The air filter in your HVAC system isn’t meant to last forever (even reusable filters require cleaning). If your air filter is completely clogged with pollutants removed from the air, the system has trouble circulating air. More energy is used and components are stressed, which leads to breakdowns and higher energy bills.

Filters should be checked and changed regularly. Inspect your filter once per month, as new air filters are often needed sooner than expected, especially during the summer and winter when systems are in heavy use.

  1. Remove the filter from its compartment and inspect.
  2. If the filter is full, throw it away and install a new filter.
  3. Make sure air filters are installed in the correct direction and are sized properly for the HVAC unit. 

What Our Clients Are Saying

Our Guarantees

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No Guesswork

When we say "This is how much it is" that's how much it is. Period.

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"It Will Work"

No excuses or stories, just service when you need it!

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100% Money-Back Satisfaction

We'll make it right or remove the system and return 100% of your money.

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Client Respect

If we dirty it, we'll clean it. If we damage it, we'll fix it. Plain and simple.

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Safe and Secure

The right company and the right people in your home, ensuring your job is done right and your peace of mind is protected.

Award Winning & Industry-Leading

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Who Is MAX?

Max is an important part of our team. He is more than just a cartoon character. Max represents our commitment to quality work, craftsmanship, pride, and passion to serve our clients and community. We celebrate this mentality through Max because these are the values that drive us to be the area’s most complete and comprehensive home service company. So, now when you see Max, you’ll know the story behind the man with the mustache!