10 Simple Ways to Save Energy and Money This Summer

Save Energy and Money

Summer can be a joyous time filled with family outings and vacations. But if you live in a location where temperatures soar, it can also put a big strain on your energy bills. Learning how to save money and energy in the summer will alleviate the stress and may even put a few dollars in your pocket for spending during vacation. Follow these 10 energy-saving tips this summer.

Service Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioning unit needs a yearly cleaning to keep it running at optimal performance. Your HVAC contractor will replace the filters, clean all moving parts and check for any potential problems. He will even check the ductwork for you to make sure you aren’t pumping cool air into unconditioned areas of your home. Because he can spot problems before they cause malfunctions, you just may save money by avoiding costly repairs or emergency service calls, too.

Use Fans

Using ceiling fans and directional fans can make you feel cooler and more comfortable and allow you to keep the thermostat set higher. This means your AC will run less and consume less energy, but your family will still feel comfortable.

Open Windows at Night

The temperatures outside often drop when the sun goes down. If you are fortunate to live in a location with cool evening breezes, you can turn your AC off and open the windows. Remember for the best ventilation, open windows situated diagonally from one another. Otherwise, open them at opposite sides of the room.

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Block the Sun

Window treatments that block the rays of the sun can drastically lower the temperature in your home. Thermal or insulated curtains will make the room darker, but you can buy solar curtains that allow visible light in while reflecting the heat-producing UV rays back outside. Window treatments to block the sun are most effective on southern or western windows.

Use Your Thermostat Wisely

Turn your thermostat up a to 85 degrees when you are going to be away from home for more than 4 hours and set it to come back on and cool the house down before you are due to arrive home. Most people are comfortable at 78 degrees in the summer but adjust the thermostat to the level that keeps your family comfortable.

Plan Your Laundry Tasks

Washing and drying your clothes adds both heat and moisture to the air. Do laundry in the early morning or evening when temperatures and humidity levels are low. Hang clothes outside to dry whenever possible and wash clothes in cold water.

Do laundry in the early morning or evening when temperatures and humidity levels are low. Hang clothes outside to dry whenever possible and ash clothes in cold water.

Reduce Cooking

Traditional ovens and ranges add considerable heat to the home. Use your grill or microwave for cooking to minimize the heat. If you must cook, do so in the evening and reheat the meal in the microwave the next day.

Turn Back the Water Heater

Set the temperature for your water heater back to 120 degrees. This is warm enough for showers and dishes and won’t burn delicate skin.


Plug all your electronics into power strips and shut them all off at night or when you are away. Many continue to use energy even when they are turned off.

Cut Back on Pool Filters

Turn your pool filter back by 30 minutes a day until you reach the point where the pool no longer stays clean, and then readjust accordingly. You may be surprised to discover your pool is fine with 4 1/2 to 5 hours of filtration instead of 6.

Contact us today to make an appointment to get your AC serviced or learn more about saving energy and money this summer.

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