The average house in the Columbus area consumes around 400 gallons of water each day. Water is used for all sorts of activities, from cleaning dishes to taking a shower and flushing the toilet. The complex plumbing system that runs through the home delivers water where you need it when you need it – but when a pipe is damaged, it can cause leaks that stop equipment from doing its job.
When corrosion forms on a pipe or other damage occurs, this problem often causes a small leak to develop. Over time, leaks grow into something larger, producing significant water waste which can also damage the house. Water stains are noticeable signs of a leak that requires repair, but it is not always possible to access the pipe that needs to be fixed.
Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing’s team of professional Columbus plumbers are trained to find areas where hidden leaks lurk and repair this damage so your plumbing system functions correctly in the future and no further damage is done to your home. Homeowners need to be mindful of the signs that indicate a water leak has occurred in the home because a hole in a pipe isn’t always visible. When you notice drips of water, rust, or other damage, be sure to contact Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to schedule leak repair services right away.
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Expires: Jun 25, 2025
Valid with repair. See dealer for details, discounts, warranties, guarantees. Some restrictions apply. Normal business hours only. Residential owner-occupied only. Existing residential only. Must be presented at time of service. Cannot combine with other offers or discounts. Customer responsible for filing utility rebates if applicable. Not valid on previous purchases. Must be in service area. Financing with approved credit. Minimum monthly payments required. Interest accrues at time of purchase unless paid in full during promotional period. For regular term purchases, APR is based on US prime rate and is subject to change. OH HVAC HV.49111, OH Plumbing PL.50124
Valid with repair. See dealer for details, discounts, warranties, guarantees. Some restrictions apply. Normal business hours only. Residential owner-occupied only. Existing residential only. Must be presented at time of service. Cannot combine with other offers or discounts. Customer responsible for filing utility rebates if applicable. Not valid on previous purchases. Must be in service area. Financing with approved credit. Minimum monthly payments required. Interest accrues at time of purchase unless paid in full during promotional period. For regular term purchases, APR is based on US prime rate and is subject to change. OH HVAC HV.49111, OH Plumbing PL.50124
Plumbing system water leaks are a serious issue no matter how large or small the leak is. Even a small leak requires immediate repair.
Contact a plumber to locate any leak within your home and perform the work necessary to fix it. If you choose to ignore water leaks and put off repairs, the issue can snowball and create larger problems in your home, such as:
Water leaks can occur in several areas throughout the house and you are not always able to notice when they start. While it’s easy to see a leak in a pipe that is accessible, leaks in walls or slab leaks within the foundation are completely hidden from sight. Leaks in these areas can be a problem for years before you ever find out about them, causing serious damage to the home during this period.
For this reason, it is important that Columbus homeowners can identify obvious signs a leak has occurred anywhere within their house. When these issues are identified, call Buckeye Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to request an appointment for leak repair services right away.
Water leaks may be minor, releasing only a drop of water every few seconds; or major, creating a flood of water that is quite obvious. Unfortunately, the majority of the most devastating leaks and the resulting damage are those that don’t produce signs right away. These are the water leaks that can go undetected for long periods of time while they continue to inflict harm to the home behind the scenes.
Find leaky plumbing equipment before serious damage occurs when you know what to look for. These signs share it’s time to start repairing your pipes and fixtures.
Water leaks don’t always require professional repairs to correct. Many homeowners in the Columbus area are capable of fixing minor water leaks. How do you know when a leak can be fixed through DIY methods or when calling a plumber is more appropriate? It comes down to the severity of the leak, as this should impact your approach to fixing it. Assess the leak in your home based on the following scenarios to decide your course of action.
Any leak is inconvenient, but if leaking water has not generated significant damage, you may be able to locate it yourself and even fix it. If you find signs of a leak yet no major damage, here’s what you should do:
If you have a leak that has imposed some minor damage on your home, it is only going to get worse over time. The leak may not appear like a big deal right now, but it will grow and become a major concern later on. These types of leaks are the ones that we tend to put off fixing, like a leaky showerhead.
What should you do about this leak? Turn off the main shutoff valve to your home’s water supply and clean up the damage that has been caused by the leak. This leak needs to be fixed now. If you are unable to correct it yourself, spend the money to have a plumber complete these projects.
A leak that causes quick and significant damage in your home requires immediate attention. Shut off the water supply at the main shutoff valve to prevent any more water from leaking into your living areas. Remove as much water from the area as possible, as quickly as possible. In these situations, it is appropriate to call your plumbing company and request emergency plumbing services. A plumber will be able to come out to your home rather quickly and perform leak detection services to pinpoint the leak’s location and its cause. Your plumber will complete repairs right away and help mitigate the damage already done inside your home.
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